Thursday, April 16, 2009

Just another day being Gideon.

Sigh...its tough!

When all you can say is "LOL!"



Sunday, April 12, 2009

Meet The God Fathers.

Doesn't get any cooler than this...

We are kiiiiiiiiiiiind lawyers :D

Easter+Baptism Sunday!

Today is the day Jesus raised from the dead two thousand years ago...

And! Today 6 people from my church got baptised too! AMEN! Wooots!
It took place behind behind the church where there was a little "pool"...although it looks more like an aquarium from where I can see it :D

Took a vid of my friend Di'Shon accepting Christ. I so kaobeh... xD

For those of you who don't understand, the "dunking" into the water is purely symbolic. Its a representation of the Christian belief of Christ's burial and ressurection. As Jesus died and was burried and 3 days later rose from the grave, as seen in this video, Shon "drowns" and rises from the water. In other words, it illustrates the person who was once a sinner being "reborn" and focused on God. Simply- a spiritual birthday. Happy Birthday Di' Shon and the others who were baptised! :)


Awww cute white puppy found itself outside my house yesterday morning. Dunno why I feel so compelled to blog it, but yeah...

Took a video of it :P

Yeeerrrrrrr why did it have a leash on it!? Tak boleh curi liao...T.T Lucky pup~

GGRRrrrrr I duno why I'm so mad now lol.