Sunday, December 20, 2009

Avatar vs. Princess XD

And the winner is...


No offense to Princess fans out there.. but just incase, I'l give some credit to Princess by saying its not a bad family show :)
Well I won't call it a bad show for other movie goers if your looking a a typical happy ending Disney cartoon ( except for one firefly). But to me it was too much song and dance and merry making, plot dragging scenes. Maybe that's what all children's movies are suppose to look like nowadays, but I guess I've grown out of it :(
It may be a fascinating fact for some of you that I HAVE actually reached puberty?

Anyway, defamation isn't my forte, so lets just move on to Avatar. Here are some posters and pictures which i think portray parts of the plot best.

Jake Sully "driving" his Avatar.
He embodies an alien native from the planet Pandora in hopes of learning from the native alien race - the Na'Vi, while carrying out his actual mission of evacuating them from an impending doom brought forth by an even deadlier alien race from Earth - the Humans.

He befriends a Na'Vi-Neytiri, who teaches him their way of life on this strange planet where one and everything is connected in an intricate "network" of life energy.

They fall in love.

Conflict - Humans destroy the Na'Vi village in search of the precious metal- "unobtanium". Jake Sully is now faced with the dilemma of choosing sides.
Problem - He has 2 bodies but only can only control one at a time.
He struggles to find where his heart truly lies.

With the Na'Vi! XD

Ikrans fighting the human invaders.

Neytiri charging into battle.

Storm the front!!!

Final battle between Neytiri, Jake, and the evil human commander.

Okay thats it for spoilers from me! XD
If you are a fan of alien+sci-fi+fantasy+romance+tree huggers,
by all means,
So anyway, both movies were made special since this was actually our 9th date...
Except for the complete LACK of privacy XD

Sadly, time was also an issue... as well as my nagging hunger...
We parted pretty quickly, and frustratingly too...
but anyway not without grabbing a chance to snap a few pics in a camwhore box! XP
I guess this is where I leave my blog for Kim to do her thing :)

Come on babeh!!! XD