Saturday, January 16, 2010

overdue, thus, not overdone XD

This post is way overdue its deadline of before CNY! Too many distractions and unfortunate events happened along the road of making this post come true.
Here are some just to name a few~
1) my previous attempt to post this post failled when the computer lab pc crashed.
2) i ended up losing everything including the pics and the words too. (thankfully Kim had a backup of these pics...else I'd be screwed~bla~)
3) blame UCpro for sucking up most of my free time
4) guitar teacher demands 1 new song every week. gg~
5) my dad is stalking my blog. My prior trust in his respect for my privacy is very much regreted. New security measures are now in place.

THUS, I shall not fill in the details of this date. That is best left for these picture to describe :)

picture post!