Celebrated mothers day in church today...well anyway...kinda...
Today's sermon by Pastor Jerry was all about mother's love and how the Bible talked about how man and woman were created equally. He quoted examples from the Bible where Jesus "felt the energy flow out of him" when He was touched by a Samaritan prostitute (the lowliest of social outcasts of that time) and he healed her of her "skin desease". Quote:"...Go daughter of Abraham...your faith has made you well..." And with that P.Jerry elorated the point on how women are no less equal than men in the eyes of Jesus.
P. Jerry totally won the hearts of the ladies! XD
And before I forget this saying I heard from somewhere...Let me just post it down here incase I might not get the chance ever again.
"God created Eve from Adam's rib.
Not from his head so she can rule over him,
nor from his feet so he can trample her, but
from his side to be his constant companion,under his arm to be protected by him,
and close to his heart to be loved by him."
So guyz...love you girls as God has made them to be loved! ^^
Anyway, back to mothersday "celebration" in church...
When P.Jerry called out the youths from our snug little corner to join our mothers and pray for them as well as give them a special gift the church youth had made, I realised this was impossible for me T.T
*PS: for those of you who know why...good...for those of you who don't its cuz my mommy's not with me...><..ok lets leave it there.
Then I think Pastor must have spotted me giving everyone else the puppy-eye-look, so he called out "Hey Gideon, don't think you can run away from this! :)" and asked me to pray for an Indian lady in the church who didn't have her children with her then (I didn't ask why). So I stood beside her and prayed for her family, her wellbeing, health, may God's grace shine through her etcetc. Not that I mind praying for a complete stranger, I don't, but nonetheless it felt completely weird...Especially when P.Jerry makes a request out of the blue like this...Anyway, I was glad I did it, and was glad she allowed me to do it so freely. Because during that prayer it trully dawned to me how badly I missed my own mom, and that prayer helped me to pour out so many feelings I had inside me for who knows how many years.
Miss my mom...!
On another topic...I finally got brave enough and asked her THE Question.
With great response!!!!! :D:D:D
But the details are our little secret. =)
For now, lets just be strong.
Though we're far apart, my heart feels closer to yours than ever... =)
Well guyz, that's all I'll be blogging for now. Its been a while since I typed so much.