Tuesday, January 27, 2009

now ThAts... FOOD!!!!

First Day of Chinese Niu Year!!!!!!
The most auspicious time for Ang Pao hunting, gambling and STEAMBOAT!

Haha. So last night I was invited to dinner at a VERY close family friend's house. ( yeah.. I mean I've been very close to them since I was a month old...so we're practically almost family ^^)
Since dinner hasn't started, I had the chance to steal some pics from the kitchen xD

Foooooooood! GLORIOUS FOOD!!!!

From Mount Sausage to Mount Meatballs is approximately...1 Km!'
Enough to feed 30 people...
Alright, it's just as big no matter what angle you try to take it from.
The turn out was just CRAZY.... their whole extended family showed up at the door, so in total there were about 30+ guests. Just enough food!
Got a rare chance to meet some of their distance relatives. Which is kinda like meeting "my" own family I guess?
Anywayz, didn't get much chance to take much pics after the dinner. Everyone too tired and drunk...
Thus the "gambling partaaaaaay" was canceled also T.T
But anywayz I think I was too drunk to gamble anyway xD don't wanna get scammed!

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